Wednesday 1 February 2012


My Vice President now is Eileen.  Eileen never met Theresa.  She joined Forever Friends of Hope because she thought it was a good cause.  She has been my right hand man for about eight years.  We are friends and FFOH is one of our common bonds. 

She has three kids and a good husband.  She is a writer.  She says its a hobby but she is really good at it.  She's not an excitable person so we are a good match.  She has a good life.  One of those people that seems to have it all and makes it look effortless.  She is also an EA. 

I'm not sure how long she has actually been the vice president but its been a while.  When she first met me she didn't like me much.  Thought I was brash and loud.  Which I totally am but it grows on you. 

She taught me to be a better mother.  Things like putting my kids to bed an hour earlier so I could spend an hour with either myself or my husband.   Taught me to slow down a little.  Although you might not have been able to tell. 

So she does the writing for FFOH and a lot of planning for us.   She continues to be my right hand man.  I am grateful I met her.  Its just another example of what FFOH has given me. 


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