Monday 26 March 2012

Success..the day after

Well this is to let you all know I survived.  It was nip and tuck.  I actually have no idea how long the auction went.  I think about 11:30 or so.  I know we counted money and then went to the bar to celebrate and got there just in time for last call. 

It takes a really long time to count 20,793 dollars.   That is an amazing amount of money to make in five hours.

There will be pictures to follow.  I don't have them yet as it never occurred to me to take a camera.

 I always get very nervous before any event.  I actually think it helps us keep our edge.  Even though we have done this 10 times it still takes every bit of us to put it on and make it look effortless.   

The auction had an amazing energy this year.  You could feel it as soon as you walked in.    The excitement just vibrated in the room.   We ended up with 192 women.  We had 12 man-whores/servers.  About six other male volunteers and two great MC's (Jill and Gloria) Plus the nine+ of us.  Unbelievable!

I got to speak again.  They let me every year.  (Although I am not sure why) You would think I would be used to it but apparently not.  This year it took everything I had not to break down completely when I looked out at everyone.  I just broke down partially.  If everyone in the room only heard one thing, I hope they heard that each one of us has the chance to really make a difference.  Sometimes we don't even know we are doing it.  My friend didn't know the effect she had on me, or anyone else around her, she was just being herself.  But the difference she made was in me, not her.  I found her difference.  I hope that we all realize what lies withen us. 

If all we do each day is try to be good to one another then it has been a good day.  Thank-you all. 

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